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What i learnt from iAd and RevMob so far.

Hi guys it's Dario how are you?
Today i wanna talk about ads, and particulary iAd and RevMob, which are the ones i am using, for my game, Smash a Mole.

Actually, i am using gamesalad to develop this game, and i feel REALLY, REALLY caged in their system. I mean, what the hell: rev mob, you can only use fullscreen ads. iAd, only banners, and only on apple games, or the game will crash. These are obviously things i learnt myself, because they don't tell you ANYTHING.

Ranting apart,

well, if you are planning to put ads on your game, GO FOR THE BANNERS.

Actually, a banner in the game over screen if the game is fast, and a banner in the gameplay window if the game has a lot of action and no gameover scene at all. 

Why not choosing fullscreen ads?

  1. Long story short, in the first place, they are SLOW to load. A lot of people told me that the game sometimes seem frozen at the start ( where the full screen ad appears).
  2. They STOP the gameplay, completely. And it's freaking tedious to click that X, and maybe miss it.
  3. If internet is missing, they crash the game usually.
  4. People get nervous if you put too much of them: imagine every single time you die on Flappy Bird, having to press an X to close an add. Would be so frustrating that you probably close and delete the app completely.

Why choosing banner instead?

  1. They are very fast loading. And if internet is not there, they don't load at all, but still you can play!
  2. They don't stop the gameplay. They CAN maybe affect a bit the speed of the game, in terms of framerate, but still, it's a deal when it's loaded.
  3. People ignore them, but you still get paid. It's not that bad uh?
  4. You can put TONS of them without make them even noticing.
So where will you be? in the dark, sloppy fullscreen ad side, or the bright fast banner side?
Have you tried something else? Let me know! :)


When up to date means... every single day!

Hey there guys, still updating Smash a Mole. By now i added a standalone mac version that will be playable with keyboard ( although it will be pretty hard i have to say). So by now we have it available for iPhone, android phones and Mac! Ayeah. 

Later on i started working on more chara-design, or at least chara tweaking: one for each stage i am making. This way it will be more fun to have every time the moles themed as the stage :)

Hope you will enjoy!


Smash a Mole is getting bigger, don't miss it!

Hi guys how are you? These days i have worked a lot on smash a mole to make it "work". It needed some clean up here and there and maybe this is the right way: i am adding a lot of things actually, that i am going to show you:
First of all: A new stage selector! It's way better than choosing always a random stage, you can focus on just the stage you love the best. And if you check closely, there is also a menu below: account, my records, and online records.

On the account menu' we can put our name, no need for password or somethng like that. Just put your name and surname and you will be ok! 

"My records" button shows all the points you made while playing, and as you can see for now they re all 0. So let's go playing some!:

Now that we did this stage in endless mode, and we did 287, if we return on the records menu and we press endless, we can see our score registered;) isn't that nice? 

But that's not all: we can even publish it online just pressing "publish": check it out.

Sorry for the dark images. Anyway, now the score just made is online! Doesn't matter if you have an iphone or android, it will all go online together.

I am sure that you will enjoy it! And i am keep improving it just for you guys! :*